The Empress: The instict of creativity

About me

Psychologist, poet, dancer and circle weaver, both my life experiences and my native country have led me to paint a worldview nourished by myths and rites told and recreated not only in the past by our ancestors but also and especially in our present, in our daily life, All this has awakened in me a great concern to regain a connection with the language and the symbolic, metaphorical look, but also a need to regain the notion, the experience and the place of the sacred in our lives, a need to listen again not only with the ears but with the wisdom of the whole body and discover that the memories of our ancestors are still alive in it.

I join my passions to heal, from dance and myth, promoting a union between body and spirit, between word and act, between sexuality and spirituality, between pleasure and the creative act, I am interested in walking towards the deep, to return to the unknown, to those unimaginable places of ourselves in order to alchemize our pain and live a fuller life, rooted to the body, to eroticism and to the divinity that inhabits us.

Women & Moon

Since many primitive cultures the woman and the moon weave a bond as intimate as indissoluble, both are bearers of fertility and change, represent the creative spirit, are a multifaceted mystery, both are revealing and hiding their face to the rhythm of the movement of the stars, are cyclical, die and reborn every month, every woman carries her own moon inside, and it is our responsibility to regain the connection with the sky of our soul, with the territory of our body.

The workshop

One of the main intentions of this women's circle is to promote a dialogue and a co-creative game with the archetypes of the goddesses that dwell within us, in order to delve creatively in our path of self-knowledge and to approach in different ways to multiple dimensions such as the body, sexuality and spirituality.

Each meeting will be inspired by the teachings of a major arcane of the tarot, on this occasion we summon the Empress, Mother Earth, the giver and devourer of life, through which manifests not only our creative power, but also our destructive impulse, both expressions are intimately connected with the connection we have with our womb.

In this workshop we will sharpen our intuition to be able to integrate and apply the teachings of the Empress and other creative goddesses in our daily lives so that you can realize which archetypes you embody in your creative process and how to enhance them. Among some of the teachings to be worked on are:

  • Inspiration and the power to materialize the deepest desires of the soul 
  • Offering the territory of the body so that new seeds are sown in it 
  • Patience in the gestation, in the creative process 
  • The ability to give life, to give birth to new projects, new ideas 
  • Confidence in what has been created 
  • To nourish and feed the life we have brought. 

Remember that our creative potential is not only reflected in art (in music, painting, writing), but also in the stories we tell ourselves to build our reality, in the solutions we find to face a conflict, in the new perceptions we allow to be born to give meaning to our existence.


  • Meditation of the womb
  • Sharing myths
  • Recognizing the goddesses that influence your creative process
  • Body exercises to increase our creativity .

Special Gifts

  • A guided audio meditation to help you center yourself and align with the energy of the Empress, the Mother erth
  • A PDF with rituals to summon the creator goddesses

Event details

Date: New Moon, Friday, July 5th

Time: From 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm Central European Summer Time (CEST, UTC+02:00)

Place: Zoom -the link will be share one day before the meeting-

If you have any question you can write at alicia@thewildwoman.co

Register for the event

Submit the form below to sign up for the new moon event.

Do You Have Any Questions?

Alicia Ramírez Gómez © 2024